Because I had a little spare time on my hands I started playing Grepolis, the latest game from InnoGames. I enjoy this kind of strategy games but they can be very time consuming and you get really frustrated when you lose everything you've worked for over night. That's the reason why I quit playing by the time my city is fully developed. But this time I decided I would have a look at how a fully developed city would look like. And If anyone else is interested, here's a sneak peak.
The first one show the Grepolis city with all the building at the level 1 and with the Oracle and Thermal Baths built. Some of them will change appearance as they level up but some will remain the same. The second image shows the Grepolis building at intermediary levels and the last three show the city with the buildings at their top level. Also the Olympic Games and the Triumph are in full display and all the buildings that have animation have been activated, as if they're working. Sadly, I don't have the patience to make an animated version of the town so you'll have to settle for the static ones.
Because certain building in Grepolis city view share the same spot in town, the last three images show the various buildings in this order:
- Library and Tower
- Theater and Trade Office
- Thermal Baths and Oracle
One thing I didn't manage to display is the Statue. I'm not even sure how it's supposed to look like, but it should occupy the same place as the Oracle, Tower and Trade Office.

And after all the trouble I went through, I found this little app that would have made everything extremely easy. It even shows the Grepolis statues. Bummer! Oh well, that's life. At least my pictures have the Olympic and Triumph in town :-)
Oh, oh, and if you find the pictures helpfull and would like to give the game a go, please use this link: Sign up to Grepolis. Thanks.
Wow, that's a beauty! I play Grepolis at Gamma server. Its cool to know what a fully grown city is like. Thanks for the graphics!
DLB Alliance, Gamma Server
Thanks for the pictures!
What levels were they at?
They were not at a particular level. This is just how the building will look like visually once they are upgraded beyond a certain point
I can't decide between getting the Oracle or the Divine Statue. I also think I'm going to get the Thermal baths, but I'm not sure... any advice?
I guess it all depends on what your situation is and what you want to focus on. From what I understand, the Oracle allows you to know when someone spied on you, giving you a heads up warning. The Statue increases the favor production and from what I read on the Grepolis forums that with mean tat with a fully upgraded temple and premium you would get 0.7 per hour extra. The Thermal Baths increase your population by 10%.
I personally prefer the statue because I play with Athena and I'm able to cast Patroness to increase the army size. Later in the game I might go for the Thermal Baths to increase the maximum army size. But if I would be in a high conflict zone, the Oracle would provide a great advantage because I would be able to have an idea of who's targeting me.
It's your choice in the end and only you can decide what to go for based on the situation you're in
Hey, i wnat to ask you something..I'm playing Grepolis at the greek version... I know that you can only built 2 of the bonus buildings (oracle, statue e.t.c.) but on the images you have 3 of them as you have the lighthouse to... How is that possible???
The city that is in those images does not exist, it was created this way just to show how all the buildings look like. So people know how it can look like in the future, if they continue playing. It is true you can only build 2 bonus buildings.
Do you still keep the benefits of the buildings when you build other ones over top? For example in picture 2 you have thermal baths, then in 3 you have a library, do you keep the population raise by 10%?
No you don't. You only have the benefits of that building as long as the building exists.
Hey, i wnat to ask you something..I'm playing Grepolis at the greek version... I know that you can only built 2 of the bonus buildings (oracle, statue e.t.c.) but on the images you have 3 of them as you have the lighthouse to... How is that possible???
I already replied to a similar question above. The city in those images is fictional, the images were put together just to show how all the buildings look like.
Yes he is right this is a very good game the two buildings i chose were the Tower and im workin on Theater right now. The reason for the Theater is in the agora u need it to increase your culture points so can make new cities sure u can just do the city festible but the Theater is alot less on resources.
you probably did this with firebug, like i always do, but why didn't you choose the theater, since then you can show another event! instead of taking the picture "theater1.png" you should do "theater1.gif", then you see the play too
see the "complete" city with plays at:
Yes, I did it with Firebug. I guess I missed the animated theater. I did however placed the Olympic Games and the Victory Procession. The play must have slipped my mind. Thanks
i have a question sir.. all your pictures have a light house? in grepolis beta you can't build both the light house and thermal bath both.. you must choose what you want to build..
Please, please, please read the previous comments.
just out of curiosity
the boat in by the docks in all your pics,what do i need to do to make it appear?
That's a colony ship. It appears if you have a colony ship built and it's in your city
hey, awsome pictures, thanks so much. i was wondering, how bug can your army get when your city is leveled like that?
meant big*, sorry.
I ask something... at what level change this buildings???
anyone here know what is the best god to go for im in a great situation with everyone at my island already quit so low conflict any ideas?
why dont you have a statue
I tried to show the statue, but as I said in the post, I didn't manage at the moment, and I didn't bother to afterward.
Is there a limit to where you can no longer upgrade your buildings ?
Well, all buildings have a max level. The farm for example can reach a maximum level of 40 and the same goes for the mines. All that info can be found in the wiki. Additionally, when you run out of population, you can build nothing except for the buildings that require no farm spaces, like the Warehouse or Farm. If you do want to upgrade more, you need to sacrifice some of your troops.
could someone write me some hints about the right queue of the expansions? I mean I just would like to know as a beginner if there are any rules what to build first, what next and so on... On which building should I focus more...
What if we run out of residents what are we supposed to do then to build up our cities or army
If you run out of residents, you can't upgrade your buildings or increase your army anymore. You are limited by the farm level and "Plow" upgrade. You need to plan really well what you want to do with your village
if i want to build a strong army then what units shall i select
Nice. I play on Delta Server. If you would like to add me "-Argurios" (without quotations). Just send me a message.
i have started building my second city, i want a third city, do i need a colony ship again or something els?
You still need a colony ship (you need one for every new city) and the required amount of culture points. Check at the Agora how much you have/need
What world do you play on? I play alpha. What is your player name? Do you have an alliance?
Hi, what happens with the population, is n´t continuously growing after you spend them? And why only few appear on the population resource-tab but if you click there more appear?.
The population isn't spent, it's just assigned to different tasks, like in buildings and army. The larger number you see is the actual population, including the ones assigned. The population is limited by the level of the farm. You can only have so many people and it's up to you how you use them.
Hey man cool city can i have ur account i really would like to have a huge city after all u dont play it anymore please respond writing on the wall or go into grepolis and message DABOMB250
how can you build a tower a lighthouse and a thermal? tha doesnt work in gamma world
To: Anonymous
You can't do all of those. That city is 100% fictional. It says earlier if you scroll up.
If you build a library, then research a lot more things, then remove the library, would you still get the reasearched things?
when you do for have therm and phare???
I am french and i have the phare
did u have an alliance?
What are the maximum levels of all these buildings meaning lvl.1 - lvl.25 or somthing.
on one of your posted pics, there is a small crowd gathering of people, can you tell me what it is?
I have a grepolis alliance called "The second dynasty" message me, macaroni, for an invite
which is the best combination ?
If you build some thermal baths can you destroy it and make a library or a lighthouse but still keep the bonus from the baths?
I think thermal baths and guard tower combined are the best
Yo tengo mi ciudad como la 3ra imagen :D, estoy en el server Alpha, mi cuenta se llama Gustavitox, Suerte a todos en el juego :)
DOWNLOAD Grepolis Resource Hacker to get unlimited resources! Go to
do you need a colony ship if the third city your getting is on the same island
hello there, i play in the gamma server and am severely addicted to it thanks for posting this man
I play grepolis on the lamda world and thanks for showing me what a fully developed city looks like,Im so addicted to this game I love stategy games like this
what if you biuld two citys in the same world and in one of your citys the farm is level 40 and you have no people canyou get another city and upgrade that farm and get people
wow thanks i was wondering what a full upgraded city looks like. I still have a senate level 7 but what level is the senate in your picture?
The senate changes the image once at level 8 and again at level 16 (
Hey you said that 'this app would have made things much easier' what is this app? i cant really open it.
Ya. I need help with this little app of yours that is supposed to make everything "much easier".
Hay my friend plays in the Nu server how can i change servers if i never log out(i just hit exit)
hay its me again if i could just move my city over to the Nu server that would be great(how please) also how do i check what server i am in
best to see
hi love grepolis and i would people to send troops and resources to The Dark Knight123 in world beta ocean 59 and attack destroy Kaitch he is still on the same island as me thank u good night
im a beginner in xi, highest points in my island, pretty boring if you ask me, im playing free, no gold coins, its long and hard, any advice for someone in my case, it takes days before i have an army or building built
That is amazing! I've been playing for 2 months and I almost look like that!
i am on lamba does anyone have any ceats
cheats i ment
Hi guys! Does anyone have any suggestions- I'm trying to decide between building a library or a lighthouse. I'm already working on an yeah.
hello guys, if any1 is on the world XI. i have an alliance and my names Australian Army. my alliance is about 6 members. oh yeah my alliance is The Fortress.
Thermal baths would be better - more population, and oracle or tower anre the best options on the other sire
are there any cheats for grepolis
How your buildings go up in stages:
building icon 1 icon 2 icon 3
senate 1-7 8-16 17+
warehouse 1-9 10-19 20+
farm 1-13 14-27 28+
all resource 1-13 14-27 28+
market 1-9 10-? ?
harbor 1-7 8-15 16+
barracks 1-9 10-19 20+
wall+temple 1-7 8-15 16+
academy 1-7 8-15 16+
The rest stay the same all the way through.
This game looks like Imperial Warfare set in Greece. How are these online civilization strategy games any different? Harkening back for the days of SimCity...
that is sick i wonder if i could ever get mine that good
do you still have this program. I looked and it says it's no longer there.
how do you invite freids onto the sever?
What erver are you guys in? join epheues and join the BAMFS group. I dont how to spell epheues though, so sorry.
Can you do that to my city????
How many points would be in that city??
how long did that take you?
If anyone wants to contact me I'm on "Mu" sever "Ungrown" is my name! I'm in desperate need of tips so send me a message :)
Or if you have spare fashizzly send me it
4 tower an thetre
If I am in peace, what bonus buildings should I get?
... Most of these questions have already been answered...
... Read the comments!...
... By the way, I'm on Ithaca...
...Look me up...
...I'm Invincial...
Do you need a colony ship to build a second city?
My friend told me you don't have to have one.
you need a colony ship but you don't need 3 culture points but only for your second city.
i have 1'000'000 points on Athens. i can see you have this city at 13673 points
this is sick!
build tower and bathhouse, i play on the swedish servers and im playing in the best alliannce and have like 40 cities and everybody in my alliance have tower and bath house beacuse you have better defence + more soldiers !
in my cities where i keep my boats i have lighthouse and tower and in my cities far away from other big players ( around players with 0-20k points ) i use different special building like a trade town. try to make towns with different things like a trade town, bay, wartown etc etc !
I needed to know about if you know about The Warriors Of Death
so do you know?
you can get unlimited units you use favor and cast spells to get them it does lose u favor but then you can go into minus farm spaces this also works with completing quests and receiving units
first off, how do i find out which server im on?
second,how do i switch servers to a friends?
and third,will i be able to keep my town or will i have to start over?(that would suck im at 1982 points)
How do i get more people on this game? Everything requires people and i always seem to have none. Also how do you get gold? I got 100 for joining the game and havnt had any since
You get more gold by earning it (such as encouraging friends to sign up) or the old fashioned way. Pay for it.
People are in the farms. keep upgrading the farm and you get more people (typically to level 40 only - then you have to manage your people vs how you are using them. People costs for each building/troop are on the wiki.
i also love tthis game,
Grepolis, the latest game from InnoGames, awesome strategy and awesome gameplay, overal was great
Why are .my people disappearing all of a sudden?
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